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Why So Many Water Main Breaks?

Corrosion, leaks and breaks in old-technology pipe materials are degrading our water delivery and sewage treatment systems, which are critical to public health and the environment. According to a 2023 Utah State University report North America experiences 710 water...

A Public Health Concern

Tuberculation is a form of internal corrosion and bio-film contamination which develops in iron pipes and restricts water flow. It can be a breeding ground for bacteria. The town of Walkerton, Ontario provides a case in point. In 2000, E-coli had infiltrated the...

The Solution: PVC Pipe

While certain pipe manufacturers continue to explore “solutions” to corrosion – because their materials are affected by it – PVC remains indisputably resistant to it. PVC pipe is a proven and extremely durable alternative to traditional corrosion-prone pipe materials....

LCA for PVC Pipe

Life Cycle Assessment of PVC Water and Sewer Pipe and Comparative Sustainability Analysis of Pipe Materials Report Comparative analysis and environmental review of underground piping shows PVC pipe has fewer environmental impacts and life cycle costs over a 100-year...

PVC Pipe Low Monetized Carbon Footprint

If carbon output for cradle-through-installation were penalized for 8-inch PVC and ductile iron (DI) equivalent pipes at a functional length of 100 feet, PVC would be ranked lowest at $25 or $35 (depending on pressure class) compared to DI pipe at $225. Click to...