by WMBC_Admin | Jul 21, 2020 | Left Sidebar
Would you drink water from this pipe?
Clean and Sustainable
by WMBC_Admin | Jul 21, 2020 | Left Sidebar
PVC pipe’s smooth surface equals clean and sustainable water delivery.Resource
- Water Main Break Rates in the USA and Canada: A Comprehensive Study (December 2023)
- Health Effects Monitoring of PVC Pipe and Fittings
- The Health, Safety, and Environmental Performance of PVC Pipe
- 2023 Environmental Product Declaration for PVC Water and Sewer Pipe
- Underground Water Infrastructure: Getting Results in Indianapolis through Continuing Improvement and Modern Materials Procurement Practices
- Study Takes Comprehensive Look at PVC Life Cycle Assessment & Sustainability
- Leveraging the Science of Water and Sustainability: Achieving Public Health Benefits with PVC Pipe Underground Infrastructure
- West Sacramento, CA: A Reflection on Water Pipe Replacement and Affordability and Selecting PVC for Longevity, Quality and Price
- Water Main Break Rates In the USA and Canada: A Comprehensive Study (April 2012)
- Municipal Procurement: Procurement Process Improvements Yield Cost-Effective Public Benefits
- Reforming Our Nation’s Approach to the Infrastructure Crisis: How Competition, Oversight and Innovation Can Lower Water and Sewer Rates in the U.S.
- PVC Pipe Longevity Report: Affordability & The 100+ Benchmark Standard: A Comprehensive Study on PVC Pipe Excavations, Testing & Life Cycle Analysis
- 2015 Environmental Product Declaration for PVC Water and Sewer Pipe
- Hydraulic Analysis: Pumping Costs for PVC and Ductile Iron Pipe
- Water Main Break Rates In the USA and Canada: A Comprehensive Study (March 2018)
- Life Cycle Assessment of PVC Water and Sewer Pipe and Comparative Sustainability Analysis of Pipe Materials Report
- Municipal Procurement: Competitive Bidding for Pipes Demonstrates Significant Local Cost-Savings
- Assessing the Transparency & Reliability of Environmental Product Declarations for Underground Piping
- Viewpoint: Fix procurement rules before fixing faulty pipes
- Fixing America’s Crumbling Underground Water Infrastructure: Competitive Bidding Offers a Way Out
- Procurement Practices that Impede Rehabilitation of Underground Water Infrastructure
- Issue Brief: The Underground Infrastructure Crisis: Rebuilding Water and Sewer Systems without a Flood of Red Ink
- Curing Crumbling Infrastructure and Other Government Waste
- Corrosion, Not Age, is to Blame for Most Water Main Breaks
- Article: Pipe Corrosion an Avoidable Budget-Buster
- Article: Getting the Best Bang for the Buck in the Nation’s Infrastructure